Saturday, January 19, 2013

From Hastings

During the peak of my awkward adolescence my parents decided to uproot our family from south florida to the small town of Hastings, Florida. As my father made the drive I looked out the window in awe and confusion. I had never seen so many trees in my life. I told my father he must be lost, and he explained that he was not lost and that we would soon be at out new home. The little double wide trailer sat on a piece of land out on a dirt road in the middle of no where. Instead of hanging out at the mall or the movies I would spend my time playing football or baseball with nearby kids. No internet, no cell phone, and no cable television. This was tragic at the time, it took me quite a while to realize that it was a blessing in disguise.

BCBG cashmere sweater, faux leather leggings Forever 21, studded heels Zara, Necklace made by my boyfriend check out Lombard Contemporary Art


  1. awesome look!!! love the leggings!

    1. Thank you! I'm just getting started so feel free to stop by again and give me some tips!

      :) Kelly

  2. Those leggings are gorgeous! I really like your blog! I'm glad that I found it! It would be nice if you could stop by my blog sometime too (I'm from England) as I post my outfits, personal style, likes and much more :) :)

    1. Thank you! I will definitely check out your blog. And feel free to give me any tips because I'm just getting started

      :) Kelly
