Saturday, October 12, 2013

Fall in Florida

This week we've seen the first sign of fall in Florida. Its still sunny but cooling down at night. I've been taking walks in the morning with my pregnant friend Evelyn and today I'm just relaxing in the back yard reading. Beautiful Weather!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Fall Wish List

I'm currently 28 weeks pregnant and day dreaming about wearing the clothing below. sigh. I'm especially loving the red leather pencil skirt from I love that online store, have their app on my phone and it is just plain dangerous. Shopping while pregnant is pretty frustrating because you don't want to break the bank on something that might not fit you in a month. I've mostly been purchasing items not from the maternity section that have a little give or stretch, in hopes that I can still utilize them after I have the baby. Photos of some of my pregnancy outfits to come soon. 

:) Kelly

Friday, September 27, 2013


Ruffled Tank - Forever 21, White flared Jeans - Lucky Brand, White Peep toe heels - Aldo, White and sliver purse - Express

These photos were taken a few months ago, at the time I was only 2 months pregnant. There is this awkward period where you don't look pregnant yet, you may or may not have informed any family or friends yet and clothing choices become increasingly difficult. I squeezed into my jeans for as long as I could (because I love jeans) and loose fitted tops were and still are a staple during my pregnancy, although now I can only squeeze into leggings. When I started this blog I looked forward to posting photos of my life, fashion, travel, passions. I didn't anticipate posting pregnancy fashion tips but it seems that is where this is headed. I promise to post more updated photos with the ever growing bump soon. Hope you all enjoy the journey!

:)  Kelly

Thursday, September 12, 2013


I apologize for the blogging hiatus. As I mentioned in the previous post, I think I have a pretty good excuse. This quote captures my life lately…

"Life has many ways of testing a person’s will, either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen all at once." – Paulo Coelho

I look back on my early 20’s and think of how eager I was to move into the “next phase” of my life. I wanted SO badly to graduate college and move to the other side of the country or even the world, find the perfect career, and most of all fall in love. But the days seemed to drag on, school was a challenge as I worked full time overnight at the hospital, I spent lots of time going out and “having fun” with friends while inside I felt lonely, isolated waiting for “the ONE” to come sweep me off my feet and we would take on the world together. I watched friends get married and have children, one by one. I lost faith along the journey, but the perfect guy eventually did come in to my life. That intense spark was quickly diminished upon finding out that Mr. Perfect would be moving to England for work (Alanis Morissette isn’t it ironic playing in the back ground). But life has a way of bringing people together, it was truly meant to be when Mr. Perfect finally moved back home a couple years later and that spark ignited a wild fire. 
We moved in together and then our one year lease was over in the blink of an eye. What’s next? Still excited for the future we contemplated a big move across the country or a big investment? We picked the latter. So, this past December we purchased our first home together. Renovations started immediately. Our time was stretched between work, renovations and for me school as I finished up my last semester of college. I saw a light at the end of the tunnel. It’s so easy to look ahead and think after I tackle this THEN life will be perfect. Well life was busy making other plans and one week before my final Finals I received a test result that would change our lives forever, that was a big positive pregnancy test! 
I know this sounds dramatic but I literally saw my life flash before my eyes. I have never been so overwhelmed with emotions in my life. But realistically my life as I knew it was over. I was no longer the priority in my life. It was so difficult to concentrate on my finals but some how I managed and finished up the last semester with all A’s. One week later Mr. Perfect proposed and of course I accepted. The following weekend I walked at my graduation ceremony and my new fiancĂ© and I got to announce all the good news to my family. All of these cherished and memorable moments took place in a one month time frame while my 20 year old self spent endless hours pondering “when??” The events I had waited years for, dreamt about, all happening, unexpectedly at once, and that’s just the way life is, no matter how much planning/preparing you do, life has something else entirely in store for you. This is my life in FAST FORWARD.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Walk in the Park

Sunglasses Target, Stripped Bow Back Crop Top from, Lucky Brand Charlie Skinny Jeans, and of course the always comfortable Toms kicks.

Gold plated flower earrings from Red Pineapple Boutique in St. Augustine, FL, the Orange beaded bracelet was a gift purchased at a jewelry show in Orlando, FL, I can't remember where I purchased the necklace but I believe it was a while ago. And last but surely not least my newest jewelry would be my diamond engagement ring! Yes, I have been MIA from blogging but I have some good excuses, I promise I will explain in my next blog post!

:)  Kelly

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Can a Feminist be a Housewife?

Can a Feminist also be a Houswife?
My father tried to mold me into a conservative Mormon housewife, but ended up raising a feminist outspoken tomboy. The more he tried to get me to act like a lady, go to church, and help my mom cook dinner, the more I despised it. I was more concerned with climbing trees or scoring goals on the soccer field. My father told me if I never learned how to cook that I would never find myself a husband. In the years that passed I didn’t spend much time in the kitchen, and a few failed attempts at cooking left me upset (and hungry). It wasn’t until I found a man that loved to cook for me that I decided to try and return the favor. So, I would like to post some of our favorite meals, starting with this recipe for a Chicken Pot Pie. following the directions the first couple attempts, I decided to shake things up a little bit and it made all the difference! Instead of just 1 pound of chicken breast I added 1 and ½ to 2 pounds. Add a little more veggies than what the recipe calls for also. When boiling the chicken and veggies you can add chicken stock for more flavor. I also added twice the black pepper and a ¼ tsp of cayenne pepper. The result is a chicken pot pie with kick but not too spicy. I think the answer to the title of this blog post is “YES!” I think a woman can still be a feminist while sharing roles that were traditionally for the women of the household. It’s all about equality. So, I don’t mind cooking for my man, as long as I get to cut the grass or swing a hammer every now and then too. 

 You can make your own crust but to save yourself some time, the premade pie crusts are great too.
 After boiling the chicken and veggies let them sit. Place them in the pie crust right before pouring the onion/stock over it.

 Make sure to slowly add contents while stirring constantly. You really have to keep an eye so it doesn't stick to the bottom and to maintain a good consistency. This is what is looks like when it's ready to be poured over the chicken and veggies in the pie crust.
 Make sure to seal the edges by pressing all along the rim of the pan, and make slits on top to allow the steam to escape.

Here is the finished delicious Chicken Pot Pie (with a kick). Contents are very hot, make sure to let set/cool before consuming. The recipe said 10 minutes, but I would give it more like 15-20 minutes because it is lava hot!  :) enjoy

Monday, January 28, 2013

The Happiest Place on Earth

I no longer live in Hastings, although my parents still live in that same little yellow trailer that we moved to long ago, I live in Orlando, Fl. I have recently purchased my first home with my boyfriend and we are in the process of some major renovations, that is where I took the photos for this and the previous post. I will be posting photos soon that will follow our renovating/decorating process.

 I think people have this misconception that all Floridians wear flip-flops and shorts year round. There is also another misconception that people that live in Orlando must go to Disney or the other theme parks ALL the time. Well, I would like to prove these people wrong! People in Florida have great style and there are a lot of other fun things to do and places to go besides the theme parks. In my opinion the "Happiest Place on Earth" is where ever you choose it to be. Happiness is where ever our heart is, a decision we make each day to be happy and thankful where ever we are. For some people it is being home surrounded by the people they love, and for others it is sitting on a surfboard out on the water, surrounded by nature, the sun shining and a clean swell steadily rolling in (that is my Happy Place). 

Jacket ZARA, Dress Ella Moss purchased at the Beauty Spot Spa and Boutique Orlando, FL. Shoes Charles David, Watch Seiko. I absolutely love this dress, the high-low bottom with the edgy corset like top, seriously sexy.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

From Hastings

During the peak of my awkward adolescence my parents decided to uproot our family from south florida to the small town of Hastings, Florida. As my father made the drive I looked out the window in awe and confusion. I had never seen so many trees in my life. I told my father he must be lost, and he explained that he was not lost and that we would soon be at out new home. The little double wide trailer sat on a piece of land out on a dirt road in the middle of no where. Instead of hanging out at the mall or the movies I would spend my time playing football or baseball with nearby kids. No internet, no cell phone, and no cable television. This was tragic at the time, it took me quite a while to realize that it was a blessing in disguise.

BCBG cashmere sweater, faux leather leggings Forever 21, studded heels Zara, Necklace made by my boyfriend check out Lombard Contemporary Art

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Creative Outlet

pink sequin cardigan Forever 21, white tank top GAP, skirt Heather purchased at the Beauty Spot Spa and Boutique Orlando FL, leopard print flats Target, Aviators unknown

This year feels different. The anticipation to create is keeping me up at night, yet I have difficulty pinpointing the area of focus. I have long daydreamed of being a fashion muse, a potter, a jewelry designer, a writer. After spending the past five years working in a stable career with no creative outlet and lacking a passion for it I have decided to finally cut the red tape and expose my vulnerable self to the ideas of my dreams. That is why my New Year’s Resolution list will be quite longer this year. I have started this blog to have the creative outlet that I have longed for. Being afraid of failure is a really poor reason to postpone one’s dreams. It’s like saving your favorite perfume for a special occasion, when the truth is every day is special.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Day

Top Banana Republic, Knit shorts Ya Los Angeles bought from Red Pineapple boutique St. Augustine, FL. Mary Jane pumps Target (old). Pearl earrings Kays Jewelry, Necklace unknown.

New Year's Resolution

Every year I make the same New Year’s resolutions. They have never included working out or eating healthy (although they probably should), but instead provide a glimpse into my self proclaimed short comings. My annual list includes, being a better listener, a better daughter, a better sister, and a better friend. The first resolution obviously helps achieve all the others, and just so happens to be my weakest link. It’s easy to speak, but difficult to truly quiet one’s ego and listen. While I wish to some day attain all of these goals the reality for me is that these are all a continual work-in-progress. I’m no super woman. I always watch in amazement as friends seem to juggle all of life’s obstacles with ease. One day I’ll learn the secret, but until then I will continue making my New Year’s Resolutions.